Monday, January 31, 2011

Clapboard - The Next Social Media Idea - Week #1

One of the most popular social networking sites currently being used worldwide takes the cliche phrase "location, location, location" to a whole other level. It's called foursquare. Foursquare is a networking site which allows subscribers to "check-in" at locations all over the world, using GPS technology users post when and where they are. Your foursquare friends can see where you are/checked in recently as well. And of course this can be linked with your facebook, twitter etc. It's a great tool for places like college campuses, big cities and places like that. Another unique part of foursquare is that you acquire points for the amount of times you check-in to certain places/time you spend there. Rack up enough points a/o more than other people checking in, you can become the "mayor" of that location. There are many other details and features of the site...but you get the idea.
 So, my idea uses many of the same principles as foursquare - but instead apply them to the movie industry. Called "Clapboard" (a classic symbol of cinema) this social networking site will both be fun for the users, and profitable for the movie industry. People who sign up for this will be able to check in at theaters, typing in a code on their ticket stub, and it will post what movie they are seeing and where. The user will then get points for seeing the movie in theaters, more points if they see the midnight showing/premieres etc. But it doesn't stop there, they can also get points for watching it on netflix, renting it, and buying it on DVD, obviously more points for some things less for others.
Here's the best part though, rewards! If you see ____number of movies at a certain theatre, they will in turn give you a free ticket. Or you can rack up points to win tickets to pre-screenings, free DVDs, gift cards, or hollywood premiers even! It's a great way to both see what your friends have seen and advertise for movies. There could even be a rating system for users, to see what they say! Sounds good eh?


  1. I think this is a great idea, and social networking seems to be moving in the direction towards sites with a specific purpose.

  2. Great idea! Something like this would also promote the movie business as well, as it encourages people to go to the theaters.

  3. I really like this idea! I especially like the rewards part of your idea, I know that movies can be very expensive (it costs $10.50 for me to see a movie back at home) so this is a very unique and interesting way to utilize the site. Just a question, how many points does a person get for checking into a movie theater and how many points do they need in order to get a free ticket? Just curious.

  4. I think this is a great idea because it utilize the social networking sites and give users a reason to use the site and the points system is a great idea.

  5. Great idea, Keith! Not only does it get people to go to the movie theaters (since that number is rapidly decreasing), but it also incorporates social networking, a HUGE part of today's society. If people knew they were going to be rewarded for going to the theater, buying a DVD, etc. they would be less likely (hopefully) to illegally download the movie offline as well.

  6. I love movies and I like this idea. A movie social network would be a great way to see what movies are popular with the people you associate with. But prizes the film industry would give away would probably be few and far between...
