Monday, February 7, 2011

Post #2 - Week #2

To continue from last weeks post on my idea, Clapboard would have to be run a certain way in order for it to be legitimate in the eyes of the public. A key part of social media that I think users really appreciate is their objectivity. In other words, the ability to not have it be strictly controlled by one company's agenda. For example, on facebook there are countless political groups, events etc. created by the users that are quite controversial and span a large range of opinions. Facebook does not intervene in these or take sides in any sort of conflict of interest, unless it is exceptional (i.e. threats, inappropriate material, impersonation etc).
     Clapboard should have a similar agenda, obviously not as large scale (yet) as facebook, but with the same idea in mine. It should not be sponsored by one film company, or media branch, but rather allow anyone to add/subtract to it, also known as open-source material. It would be user driven when it comes to ratings, checking in etc. and the film companies would be allowed to make their own prizes, creating healthy competition. Hopefully this will make the site more appealing and benefit the users.
   In regards to how class material could help my product, the use of spreadsheets in programs like excel would be essential. To be able to compile data and sort it regarding which users go where, who is more likely to see which kinds of movies etc. would be invaluable data for both Clapboard and movie companies as well. This information would need to be organized and processed at rapid paces, a perfect application for this is excel and some of the techniques we learned in class.

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