Monday, February 21, 2011

More Features of Clapboard - Week #4

This week I thought I would go more in depth about two key aspects of Clapboard: the reviews and rewards. First the reviews, users of clapboard would be allowed and in fact encouraged to review the movies they had seen. Once you punch in your ticket stub number, Clapboard will ask you to review the movie. There will be different types of reviews, for example those who have seen it in theatres vs. at home, 3D/not, etc. In addition, by seeing a movie multiple times you can add to your current review. Other users will be able to agree with your review (similar to the "like" button on facebook) or if they disagree and have seen the movie they can post a review of their own. This eliminates the "you can't know unless you've seen it" problem. You will also be able to browse through your friends recent reviews, or top rates etc.
The rewards side is also very key to Clapboard, this gives users more incentive to use Clapboard. The rewards will work on a point system, very similar to other rewards programs but with a few key differences. First, there are many different ways to acquire points, and will be a extensive chart/guide to exact values. Ways to get points would include: writing a review, having a highly viewed review, adding a new friend, seeing a movie in theatres, buying a DVD, renting it online/otherwise, OnDemand, etc. etc. Now based on the specifics, some things are more valuable than others. For example you would get way more points for seeing a movie in IMAX than online from Netflix etc. As for the rewards themselves, they will be provided by the theatres, production companies, etc. essentially the people who make the movies/distribute them. Some rewards you will be able to straight up buy with your points (i.e. free popcorn, free tickets to theatre, free rental etc.) but other you will be able to bid on like eBay. So rewards in this category would be like actual props from a set, signed posters, advanced screening tickets, etc. This gives the user more control and entertainment with the excitement of bidding. And finally for the not so adventurous, there will also be sweepstakes where by simply being an active member you are entered into (i.e. tickets to a premiere, meet the actors, take part in an upcoming event etc.)
This week in class we also talked about RFID chips, which also could be useful for this app. Clapboard could send their users an RFID sticker with a chip implanted that could go on their phone or wallet etc. so that when they walk through the theater doors to their seats, it would automatically sync with clapboard saying that you had seen that show. You wouldn't even have to type in your ticket stub, it would automatically be aware of your entrance into the theater.

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