Monday, February 28, 2011

Even More Features! - Week #5

For this week's post I will be discussing more of the features of Clapboard as well as some things relating to class this past week. First as far as more features of Clapboard goes, I forgot to mention the ability to watch trailers for upcoming movies. Similar to how Apple has a database of trailers on their website, it will feature current movies in theaters, and for future movies. In addition, the site would be linked with IMdB to provide information on actors and movies externally.
Another similar feature to foursquare will be the various "levels" you can achieve by racking up points with Clapboard. In Foursquare, you become a mayor of a location if you visit it x amount of times more than the rest of the of the people who have been there. With Clapboard, instead "mayor" it will be "director", and in this case movies.
So for example, if you see Iron Man 2 twice in theatres, rent it on Netflix, then buy the deluxe box set, you may rack up enough points to become the "director" of that movie. Unlike foursquare though, anyone can be a "director" and there can be more than one. There are also lower levels (i.e. grip, cinematographer, stunt double etc).

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