Monday, March 7, 2011

Connection to others....Week #6

Another aspect of Clapboard that I didn't go into detail about is its ability to link with other social media. Most websites, companies, social media sites, youtube...EVERYTHING links to one another. The same would be for Clapboard, so if you purchase a movie, enter a theater/movie, you could connect it to your twitter and it would tweet what you were watching. There could be a box on facebook, showing your recent rated/seen movies, in addition to status updates.
Relating to the week before last's lab, you could also record an audio review of a movie. Instead of typing out on a small touchscreen keyboard on your iphone or blackberry qwerty keboard, you would be able to use your cell phone to record your thoughts/review. You could even do it right after you leave the theater, in the car on the way home, or wherever! Of course, your review would only be published if you had scanned the appropriate movie code etc. You could even make it into a podcast of your own, ebert and roeper style.
Once again, the main hinge on all of this, is big movie companies buying into the idea. But it could also be useful for grassroots movies, independent, amateur films etc. similar to how anyone can get on imdb (including yours truly). It would be an even playing field in some ways, not so much in others (like rewards etc)

1 comment:

  1. Audio recording a movie review on the way home sounds really interesting! It's fast and effective.
